Peter Gonzales
Before I even traveled to New Mexico for the first time to guest speak at a prep camp - I had seen Peter's work. I knew he was the thriving fitness photographer in the area. I made sure to introduce myself at the prep camp after his presentation. I put the little bug in his ear that I was most likely coming back in a few months and I woul be interested in doing a collaboration shoot!
Find out how to approach a photographer to set up a collaborative shoot in my MODELING HANDBOOK!
The collaboration between Peter and I has been just that! Super fun, artistic and a great way to promote each other. Peter has become a friend and mentor. He always is etremely professional when it comes to his photography. He even sent me a link to the Bombshell Magazine Transformation Story Submission and we were able to get our photos published.
I hope to be in front of his camera more over the next few years and maybe see some fun publictions come out of it. Being able to inspire others with the fun images is the best icing on the cake!